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Floaters - The pre war cattle mutated and bloated until all that was left were semi sentient floating sacs. These docile herbivores stay in the shadows during the day but at night float to the rooftops of the city to graze on the vegetation there. The biological processes inside their second stomachs burn to heat the air in their outer sacs, allowing them to float gently, while taking on the appearance of living lanterns


Conifers - Once a spiky domestic houseplant, genetic breeding with various strains of carnivorous plants created a sought after and vicious pet. After The Fall the plants mutated into one of the most deadly and patient predators in the city. A push by the 7 tribes all but eradicated them. Now only a few remain stalking the ruins of the forbidden sector 23.


Brain calf - One of the more common denizens of the lost city, brain calves have no natural predators. As herbivores with little to no nutritional value they are prolific. These gentle creatures drift in herds across the plains and valleys feeding off insects. When in large numbers the “herd” can often show a broader intelligence, suggesting that a hive mind may be in operation

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